How Should I Study POA?

POA is an absolute new subject for most. With hundreds of new terms, journal entries and formats to master, knowing the right study method that suits your learning style can boost your productivity, so it's worth giving it some consideration

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Why knowing my locus of control matters?

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Students, Control Matters


Knowing your locus of control for learning matters because it can affect your motivation and confidence, which can impact your ability to learn effectively. A strong sense of control can lead to better academic performance, while a weak sense of control can hinder your ability to learn.

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Students with an internal locus of control can benefit from a self-directed learning approach, where they are given more autonomy to explore the material and learn at their own pace. This approach can help them develop their own study strategies and feel more empowered in their learning.


Students with an external locus of control can benefit from an instructor-led study approach, where the teacher provides clear guidance and explanations. This approach can help them overcome self-doubt and feel more confident and in control of their learning.